Daily Reports page
Use this page to view the details of a daily report on Info Exchange. External and internal (Project Center) users see the same information unless otherwise noted.
Daily Report
Report Date
The date of the report.
The ID of the daily report.
Created By
The contact who created the daily report. Select to open the Contact Information dialog box.
The recipients and CC recipients of the daily report.
Form Template
The daily report template used to create the daily report.
Any keywords applied to the daily report.
The day of the week of the daily report.
The current status of the daily report - Draft or Final.
Total Sub
The number of subcontractors at the site.
Total Internal
The total number of internal personnel at the site.
Total Visitor
The total number of visitors at the site.
Observations tab
Expand Observation Details
Select to expand an observation with an associated action item. Additional information about the action item is displayed. Select the Subject of the action item to open the Action Item page and view its details.
The order of the observations.
When selected, indicates the observation item is urgent.
The category assigned to the daily report observation.
The space associated with the observation.
The subject of the observation.
Any remarks entered that add details to the observation.
Project team member who created the observation item.
Supporting Documents
Displays the number of supporting documents associated with the observation item. There are two possible icons that may appear in the field:
Select to download files attached to many project items directly from the log page.
Select to send a request to the owner to repost the files when the files have been removed from Info Exchange. This occurs when the transfer item has expired.
Internal users can access all supporting documents.
Description tab
Displays any descriptions entered for the daily report.
Weather tab
Displays information about the weather conditions on site.
The time the weather data was captured.
The temperature at the time of the report.
Wind Speed
The wind speed at the time of the report.
Humidity %
The humidity at the time of the report.
Displays any pertinent comments corresponding to the weather on the jobsite.
Subcontractors tab
Displays information about the subcontractors that were on the jobsite.
The name of the subcontractor's company.
The company's discipline.
The number of subcontractor personnel on the jobsite at the time of the report.
Description of Work/Location
The description of the work provided and the location.
Internal Personnel tab
Displays information about any internal personnel that were on the jobsite.
Name of the internal contact that was on the jobsite.
Job Title
The job title of the internal contact.
On Site
When checked, indicates that the internal contact was on site that day.
Any additional notes about the internal contact.
Visitors tab
Displays information about the visitors that were on the jobsite.
The name of the visitor's company.
The names of the visitors.
Job Title
The job titles of the visitors.
The reason for the contact's visit.
Equipment tab
Displays information about the equipment used at the site.
The name of the piece of equipment on the jobsite at the time of the report.
The quantity of each piece of equipment on the jobsite at the time of the report.
Owned by
The owner of the piece of equipment on the jobsite at the time of the report.
Tag #
The tag number of the piece of equipment on the jobsite at the time of the report.
Planned Return Date
The planned return date of the piece of equipment on the jobsite at the time of the report.
Any additional notes about the piece of equipment.
Email Log tab
This tab lists all email messages associated with the item.
The icon indicates the email message
is marked as important.
The icon indicates the email message
contains an attachment.
The original subject line of the email. Select the subject of an email message to view it in the Email Preview page.
Displays the first part of the email message.
Displays the original sender of the email.
Displays the recipient list for the email.
Displays the original sent date for the email.
Displays the file size of the email.
Preview Email Messages
Mark this checkbox to display a portion of the email messages below their subjects.
Supporting Documents tab
Displays the supporting documents for the item. Select the link for
a file to view it in the Newforma
Web Viewer. If the filename is not a hyperlink, select the icon to open or save the
file locally.
The name of the file.
The file type.
Upload Supporting Documents
Use this area to add supporting documents to the item.
This option is only available for internal (Project Center) users.
Add Files
Select to open the Choose File to Upload dialog box and select a file.
You can select multiple files using standard Windows Shift and Ctrl selection techniques.
Remove All Files
Select to remove all files selected for upload.
Drag-and-Drop Files Here
Drag and drop files directly from Windows to add them to the list of files to upload.
This option is only available if your browser supports the functionality.
Select to upload the files to the Supporting Documents tab.
Related Items tab
This tab lists all Project Center items that are related (linked) to the item. Select the subject of an item to open it in its page.
The subject of the related project item. The icon for the related item type appears to the left of the Subject.
The ID for the related project item.
The type of the Project Center project item.
The status of the item related to the current item.
Team Members
Team members associated with the related item.
The date the related item was created.
Displays any project keywords associated with the item.
Change Log tab
Use this tab to view a history of the actions taken on the selected item, including when it was created, modified, who was involved, and any details.
Date the change occurred.
Event Type
Type of change that occurred.
Project team member who created the change.
The specific field or item that was changed by the event.
In addition to the listed fields, custom fields may also be exist. Project Center administrators can create custom fields throughout Info Exchange.
Page Tools
The following tools are available in the Daily Report page toolbar.
Daily Reports
Select to return to the Daily Reports log.
Send Email
Select to open the Send Email page to send an email containing the daily report's information as shown to a project team member.
View Form
Select to open a printable version of this page.
Additional Page Tools
Depending on your permission set, the following tools may also be available:
Select to close the daily report.
Revert to Draft
If a daily report is closed, select to set the status back to Draft.
Select to open the Modify Daily Report page and edit the report.
Select to delete the daily report.
Add Similar
Select to open the Add Daily Report page and create a daily report based on the current item.
To access this page
Select the Report Date for a daily report from the Daily Reports log.
If daily reports are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.
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