How Project Center Handles Paths and Filenames That Exceed Windows Limits

Microsoft Windows only allows a total of 248 characters in a full directory path, and 260 characters in the full path and filename. If the number of characters in the path exceeds these limits, Windows Explorer will have limited capabilities in managing these files, and many files will not be readable by their related applications. To prevent these problems from affecting Project Center users, Project Center displays an error message in the Project Files activity center (as shown below) and the Project Document Sets activity center if the length of the path and/or filename is too long, and the contents of the folder will not be displayed.


Other areas affected

  • The message will also appear when opening or saving files that are too long in Project Center.

  • The broken link icon will appear in the Supporting Documents and Email Log tabs for paths/filenames that are too long.

  • An error message will appear when users attempt to transfer files that exceed the limits via Project Center or Info Exchange.

  • Be aware that the Project Email activity center will not show an error message for email message filenames that exceed the limits, and the messages will not appear. You must locate the path in the Project Files activity center to resolve the situation.


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