Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Company Location dialog box

Use this dialog box to edit the information about a company's office location.

Location Name

Enter the location of the company's office.


Enter the address of the company's office location.


Enter the city in which the office is located.


Select the state/province in which the office is located.

Zip/Postal Code

Enter the zip code in which the office is located.


Select the country in which the office is located.

Contact Numbers


The main phone number of the office location.


The fax number of the office location.

Address Type

Click to open the Choose Address Type dialog box to choose the location's type.


Select whether the company was added Manually or from the Microsoft Exchange Global Address List.

1   If the source is the Global Address List, the fields in this dialog box are read-only and cannot be edited.


To access this dialog box

Select an office location and click Edit from the Add Company dialog box.