Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Supporting Documents dialog box

Use this dialog box to attach files to a daily report or site visit, and to view attached files. For example, if a particular drawing is related to the daily report, you can use this tab to attach the drawing file to it.

1   You can copy and paste and drag and drop files from Windows Explorer into this tab.

Set Order

Click to open the Set Document Order dialog box to set the order of the documents.

Add Files > Another Project File

Click open the Add Supporting Documents dialog box to locate and attach a file to the daily report.

1   Media files must be placed in the folder configured in the Project folders tab of the Edit Project Settings dialog box for external users to be able to access them.

Share with External > Yes

Click to allow the selected files to be shared with external project team members through Info Exchange.


Click to remove the selected supporting file from the daily report.

Preview tab

A preview of the selected file appears here.

Related Items tab

This tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected file.


To access this dialog box

You can access this dialog box in the following ways:

        Click the button from the Supporting Docs column of the Observations tab of the Create Daily Report dialog box or the Modify a Daily Report dialog box.

        Click the button from the Supporting Docs column of the Observations tab of the Create Site Visit dialog box or the Modify a Site Visit dialog box.