Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Start Customizing and Using Form Templates

You can use any of the four scenarios below to customize and use your own form templates. They are presented in order from simplest to most complex, depending on your needs.

1   Before doing any of the following procedures, back up the form templates that are supplied with Project Center to a new folder.

1   You must be a Project Center administrator to perform these procedures.

Perform the following procedure to simply customize the company name and logo in all form headers and apply them to all projects:

Customize the company name and logo in the default form templates.


Perform the following procedures to customize the company name and logo in all forms and apply them to specific projects:

  1. Add a new form template style to a Project Center Server to make it available to all projects on the server

  2. Apply the new form template style to a particular project.


Perform the following procedure to customize the default form templates using InfoPath and apply them to all projects:

Customize the default form templates using InfoPath.


Perform the following procedures if you want to customize the form templates using InfoPath and apply them to specific projects:

  1. Copy the form templates that are supplied with Project Center to a new folder

  2. Customize the copies of the form templates using InfoPath.

  3. Add the new form template style to a Project Center Server to make it available to all projects on the server

  4. Apply the new form template style to a particular project.