Create a Revised RFI

Members of the construction team can create a revised RFI as needed to aid in the review process. Typically, revisions occur after the design team has answered an RFI but more information is required.

Only the construction team may create a revised RFI. A subcontractor can also create a revised RFI, but it can only be submitted to the general contractor/construction manager.

Difference Between Reopening and Creating a Revised RFI

        Reopening an RFI sends the RFI back to the design team so the answer can be changed.

        Reopening an RFI is not recommended because the original data can be edited/deleted and cannot be recovered.

        Creating a revised RFI creates a new RFI without changing the original RFI.

To create a revised RFI

1.     From the RFIs module, select the All Returned or All Closed log (or the desired log) to view returned/closed RFIs.

2.     Select the R icon next to the desired RFI to create a revision.

If you are already viewing the RFI you want to create a revision for, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Add Revised RFI.

3.     When the revised RFI is created the original RFI number is used and the revision number increases by one. The original RFI Title and Question appear. The design team's answers are not available.

4.     Make any updates as needed for the revised RFI.

For more information on creating an RFI, please see Add an RFI.

5.     Click Save to save the draft or Send to send the revised RFI to the design team.

Any revised RFIs are automatically linked to the original RFI and any subsequent revised RFIs.

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