Overdue Items

ConstructEx logs show overdue submittals, RFIs, and quality control items in red, italicized text. Users can easily see which items require immediate attention.

An explanation of when items are considered overdue follows.

Submittals and RFIs

For all users except reviewers (consultants):

        A submittal or RFI is overdue if it has been forwarded to the design team but is not returned to the contractor by the due date.

        A submittal or RFI is overdue if it has been sent to the user but is not returned by the user's due date.

For reviewers (consultants):

        A submittal or RFI is overdue if it has been sent to the user but is not returned by that user's due date. Reviewers only see their overdue items. They do not see an indication of items past their overall due date.

Submittal Register

A submittal register item that is past the Date Expected and does not have at least one non-draft submittal with a review status that does not require resubmittal (such as Revise and Resubmit, Rejected, Not Reviewed - Incomplete) for all of the required types.

For example, a submittal register item has two types assigned: Shop Drawings and Schedules. The submittal register item is past its expected date.

        Submittal A is uploaded to satisfy the Shop Drawings type.

        Submittal B is uploaded to satisfy the Schedules type.

The submittal register item is overdue if:

        Submittal A and B are both in draft state.

        Submittal A is in the forwarded to reviewer state, but Submittal B is in the Revise and Resubmit state.

The submittal register item is NOT overdue if:

        Submittal A and B are both in the forwarded to reviewer state (or any state that does not require resubmittal).


Overdue submittal register item indicators are visible to all users.

Quality Control Items

A quality control item is overdue if it is past the due date and is in an Open, Assigned, Pending Review, or Rejected status.