A submittal/RFI can be in one of seven states which display when viewing the iteml. Below is an explanation of each state. The user roles may vary on your project.
● State 1 - Subcontractor draft allows subcontractors to edit their submittal/RFI before sending it to the contractor. Submittals/RFIs are not visible to the design team or owner.
● State 2 - Contractor draft allows contractors to edit a submittal/RFI before sending it to the design team. A subcontractor can still edit their submittal/RFI in this state. Submittals/RFIs are not visible to the design team or owner.
Indicated by the icon in logs.
When a submittal or RFI is in an Open state, best practice is to wait for all reviewer responses before returning the submittal or RFI to the construction team. However, the design team can return the submittal or RFI to the construction team without all reviewer responses if needed.
● State 3 - Issued to Architect means that the submittal/RFI is considered Open in this state and the construction team can no longer make changes. All design team, owner, and construction team users can new view the submittal/RFI. However, secondary reviewers such as consultants and owner reviewers cannot comment on the submittal/RFI because they must first be invited. If the project utilizes the auto-forwarding feature for automatically inviting secondary reviewers the submittal/RFI moves to State 4 automatically.
Indicated by the icon in logs.
● State 4 - Forwarded to Secondary Reviewers means that the submittal/RFI is considered Open in this state and the construction team cannot make changes. All design team, owner, and construction team users can now view the submittal/RFI. At this point the secondary reviewers have been invited but have not responded.
Indicated by the icon in logs.
● State 5 - Reviewed by Secondary Reviewers means that the submittal/RFI is considered Open in this state and the construction team cannot make changes. All design team, owner, and construction team users can now view the submittal/RFI. The construction team views their originally issued document, and does not have reviewer comments available to them. At this point all invited secondary reviewers have responded to the submittal/RFI. Note that the submittal/RFI will not go to State 5 until all invited secondary reviewers have responded. The architect should use the status icons for partially reviewed submittals/RFIs.
Indicated by the icon in logs.
● State 6 - Returned by Architect means that the submittal/RFI is considered Completed in this state and it cannot be edited by any user. The submittal/RFI can be reopened. The design team review comments and attachments are hidden from the contractors in this state so the contractor may review them. The submittals/RFIs can be automatically closed under the Module Configuration if the contractor chooses.
Indicated by the icon in logs.
● State 7 - Closed by Contractor means that the submittal/RFI is considered Completed in this state and it cannot be edited by any user. Subcontractors can see all review comments and attachments from the design team.
Indicated by the icon in logs.
If a submittal/RFI is reopened it will go back into State 3, 4 or 5 depending on whether or not secondary reviewers were originally invited.