File Transfers Overview

Info Exchange supports the sharing of project files with other project team members through your web browser. When files are transferred via Info Exchange, recipients are notified via email and can click links in the email message to quickly access their data. Using your Newforma ID in conjunction with your account with a cloud service provider (Dropbox, Box, or Drive), you can automate the download of project files, sharing them with all of your devices.


You can initiate a file transfer from many different locations within Info Exchange, including:

        The Send pull-down menu in a project.

        The Send shortcut on the Project Home page.

        The File Transfers log.

        The Submittals log.

        The RFI log.

        The Change Order Proposals log.

        The Send Response page for any contract management items.


Use the File Transfers log page to view the file transfers for the project. The File Transfers pull-down menu contains categories you can use to manage your file transfers. External project team members can see transfers that they sent or received. Internal (Project Center) users can view all file transfers for the project.




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