Contract Page
This page shows the details of the contract you selected from the Contracts log.
This page is only available to Project Center (internal) users that are Financial Managers and have the Show All Permission Set.
The subject of the contract.
Due Date
The date the contract is due.
Contract Date
The date the contract was issued to the subcontractor.
Date Executed
The date the contract is signed off on and agreed to.
The contract's type.
The terms of the contract (i.e., Lump Sum or Contract Sum).
Expected Date
The date the contract is expected (for Expected contracts only).
The contract's status.
The ID number for the contract.
Client Contract Number
The ID number the client gave the contract for tracking.
The disciplines associated with the contract.
Original Start Date
The original start date for the contract start.
Original End Date
The original end date for the contract.
Current Completion
The revised work completion date based on approved changes.
To Company
The contact the contract is going to. Click the link to open the Contact Information dialog box.
From Company
The contact the contract came from.
Key Contact
The main person to contact regarding the contract, if assigned.
Executed Contract
A link to the scanned copy of the fully signed and executed contract
document (when available). Click on the link for a file to view it in
the Newforma
Web Viewer. If the filename is not a hyperlink, click the icon to open or save the
file locally.
Workflow tab
Use this tab to view the progress of the actions taken on the contract.
The type of action taken.
The action required or taken. Click to open the corresponding contract action page to view the details of the action.
The date the action was taken.
The contact who performed the action.
The recipient of the action.
Due Back
When a response to the action is due.
Any additional remarks about the action.
Summary tab
Use this tab (which is read-only) to view a summary of the contract's values in a pie chart, a summary of the commitment values, and all of the changes made to the contract.
Displays the type for other contract management items related to this contract.
The ID number for the related contract management item.
The current workflow status for the related item.
The subject for the related item.
The detailed description of the item.
The amount of the related item.
Schedule of Values tab
Use this tab to view the commitment items associated with the contract.
Item Number
The commitment item number.
Cost Code
Click to view the cost code associated with the item.
Item Description
The description for the commitment item.
Commitment Amount
The commitment item value.
Scope tab
Use this tab to view detailed information about what is included and not included in the contract, as well as other general information and any internal notes about the terms and scope of the contract.
Any general information about the scope of the contract.
The work, materials, and other relevant items that the subcontractor is expected to provide with this contact.
The work, materials, and other relevant items that the subcontractor is not expected to provide with this contract.
Contract Documents tab
Use this tab to view any record documents related to the contract.
The record document number.
The type of record document.
The title of the record document.
The revision number of the record document.
The file associated with the record document. Click on the link for
a file to view it in the Newforma
Web Viewer. If the filename is not a hyperlink, click the icon to open or save the
file locally.
Revision Date
The creation date of the last record document revision.
Revision Description
The description of the last record document revision.
Email Log tab
This tab lists all email messages associated with the contract.
The icon indicates the email message
is marked as important.
The icon indicates the email message
contains an attachment.
The original subject line of the email. Click the subject of an email message to view it in the Email Preview page.
Displays the first part of the email message.
Displays the original sender of the email.
Displays the recipient list for the email.
Displays the original sent date for the email.
Displays the file size of the email.
Preview Email Messages
Mark this checkbox to display a portion of the email messages below their subjects.
Supporting Documents tab
Displays the supporting documents for the contract. Click on the link
for a file to view it in the Newforma
Web Viewer. If the filename is not a hyperlink, click the
icon to open or save the file locally.
The name of the file.
The file type.
Related Items tab
This tab lists all Project Center items that are related (linked) to the contract. Click the subject of an item to open it in its page.
The subject of the related project item. The icon for the related item type appears to the left of the Subject.
The ID for the related project item.
The type of the Project Center project item.
The status of the item related to the contract.
Team Members
Team members associated with the related item.
The date the related item was created.
Displays any project keywords associated with the item.
Change Log tab
Use this tab to view a history of the actions taken on the selected contract, including when it was created, modified, who was involved, and any details.
Date the change occurred.
Event Type
Type of change that occurred.
Project team member who created the change.
The specific field or item that was changed by the event.
In addition to the listed fields, custom fields may also be exist. Project Center administrators can create custom fields throughout Info Exchange.
Page Tools
The following tools are available in the Contracts Page toolbar.
Click to the return to the Contracts log.
View Form
Click to open a printable version of this page.
To access this page
Click the subject of a contract in the Contracts log.
If contracts are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.