Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box
Use this dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server to share them with internal and external project team members, as well as outside contacts.
Project appears only if you accessed this dialog box outside of a project.
Select the project to which to send the files. Click the button to locate more projects.
Click to open the Choose Project Team Members dialog box to select who to send the files to. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.
Click to open the Choose Project Team Members dialog box to select who else to send the files to. You can also type email addresses directly in this field.
Contacts in the CC field will receive a link to download the files, but will not be sent reminders.
Enter a subject for the file transfer.
Remarks tab
Enter a detailed message in this field.
Files to Transfer tab
This tab contains the folders and files included in the transfer.
Add Files |
Click to open the Add Files dialog box to locate and attach a file to the transfer. |
Add Folder |
Click to open the Select Folder dialog box to add a folder and all of its contents to the transfer. |
Remove |
Click to remove the selected file from the transfer. |
Views |
Click to select how to view the files in the list. |
Verify Files |
For FileNet users only: Click to verify that all of the files in this tab have content. (FileNet allows no-content documents, but Project Center does not transfer them.) |
The following three options are not available if you accessed this dialog box outside of a project.
External References
Select one of the following options to include any externally referenced files when transferring the files:
Do Not Include External References
Select this option to leave out all externally referenced files.
Only Include Externally Referenced Drawing and Image Files
Select this option to include only externally referenced drawing and image files. When you transfer the files, the Summary of Included Files and References dialog box opens, listing both XREFs that were found and XREFs that could not be found. You can then locate them manually.
Include All Externally Referenced Drawing, Image, and Support Files
Select this option to include all externally referenced drawing and image files, as well as plot support files required by the AutoCAD files so that they have 100% plot fidelity. These include .CTB, .SHX, .PC3, and .TTF files (True Type fonts). When you transfer the files, the Summary of Included Files and References dialog box opens, listing both XREFs that were found and XREFs that could not be found. You can then locate them manually.
Save Record Copy in
When you create a file transfer, a record copy of the transfer is saved in this location as a .ZIP file. You can enter a new location.
Review Complete List of Files Before Sending Transfer
Mark this checkbox to open the Summary of Included Files and References dialog box so you can verify and edit the list of files being sent.
Options tab
Specify Who Has Access to the File Transfer on your Info Exchange Website
Choose who can access the file transfer:
● Choose Only the Specified Recipients to allow only the members selected in the To and CC fields in the original transfer to access the transfer.
● Choose Specified Recipients and Their Fellow Company Members to allow access only to the recipients and members of their companies (as listed in the Company column of the Project Team activity center).
● Choose All Project Team Members to allow all recipients and anyone on the project team to access it. If you select this option for a contract management action but the project team member's name is not on the action, this transfer will appear in the All My Transfers filter view of the Transfers page on Info Exchange.
● Choose Public Access to allow anyone to access the file transfer by logging on to the Info Exchange website using the anonymous password. This option is available only when the Allow Public File Transfers checkbox is marked in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.
Transfer Expires
Mark this checkbox to select an expiration date for the file transfer.
Send Reminders
Mark this checkbox and select when to have Info Exchange send an email reminder to yourself or to the file transfer recipients.
The frequency at which reminders are sent is set in the Notification Reminders section of the General tab of the Project Center Administration Activity Center Servers tab.
Allow Recipients to Download Partial Contents
Mark this checkbox to allow the recipients to download the files incrementally instead of all at once.
In order for partial file downloads to work, you must
also mark the Require Info Exchange Login
to Download checkbox below. Without
marking both checkboxes, the entire file transfer will be downloaded by
default. Info Exchange users must login to the Info Exchange website to
be able to partially download file transfers.
The ability to partially download files is only available to users who
have an Info Exchange account.
Require Info Exchange Login to Download
Mark this checkbox to require the recipient to login to Info Exchange to download the files. The recipient does not receive a direct download link in the email message.
Hide Recipient List
Mark this checkbox if you want to hide the list of recipients on email notifications, forms, and transmittals, If this option is not checked, then the email notifications, forms, and transmittals will contain the To: and CC: contacts.
Click to spell check the fields in this window.
If any mistakes are found, the Spelling
Check dialog box opens with spelling suggestions.
Save Draft
Click to save a draft of the file transfer. It will appear in the All Drafts log of the Info Exchange activity center. The files will not be sent.
Click to open the Transfer to Info Exchange Options dialog box to edit the settings for the file transfer, including who can access it and reminder settings, and transfer it to your Newforma Info Exchange Server. The file transfer is logged in the All Outgoing log of the Info Exchange activity center.
To access this dialog box
You can access this dialog box in the following ways:
● Select the files you want to transfer, then click Info Exchange > Transfer Only from the File Tasks panel of various activity centers.
● Click New File Transfer from the Tasks panel of the Info Exchange activity center, then choose No, Just Transfer the Files from the Transfer Files to Info Exchange dialog box.
● Right-click on the Newforma Project Center Tray Tool and select Send a File Transfer.
● Right-click on one or more files from Windows Explorer and select Send to > Newforma Info Exchange.
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