Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Add Project Team Members dialog box

Use this dialog box to add new project team members to groups, make contacts the primary project contact, and set Newforma Info Exchange options. The contacts will appear in the Project Team activity center.

Project Role

Company Role on Project

This field displays the team members' roles on the project.

Primary Contact on This Project

Mark this checkbox to make the selected team members primary contacts for this project.

1   Each project can have multiple primary contacts. Each project can also have a main contact, which is set in the Edit Project Settings dialog box.

Newforma Info Exchange Options

Allow Web Access to This Project on Your Info Exchange Server

Mark this checkbox to allow the team members to access the current project on your Info Exchange Server remotely through the web.

Member Visibility on Info Exchange

From the drop-down list, select the Info Exchange visibility option to apply to the team members:

  • Select Visible to All External Project Team Members (Show Name, Company and Email) to allow all external project team members to see the team members on Info Exchange, but only the team members' names, companies, and email addresses.

  • Select Visible to All External Project Team Members (Show All Information) to allow all external project team members to see all information about the team members on Info Exchange.

  • Select Visible to Fellow Company Members Only (Show All Information) to allow only external project team members with the same name in the Company Name field to interact with the team members  via Info Exchange.

  • Select Hide From All Other External Project Team Members to prevent external project team members from seeing the team members on Info Exchange.

1   A hidden team member who is part of a group will not receive file transfers if an external team member picks the group to send a file transfer to.

Permission Set

Select which permission set to assign to the team members. The permission set determines which project items appear on each Info Exchange activity center for the team members.

Add to Project Team Groups

Add to Selected Project Team Groups

Mark the checkboxes of the project team groups that you want to add the new project team members to.


To access this dialog box

Select contacts to add to the project team, then click OK from the Choose New Team Members from Global Contact List dialog box.