Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Submittal form

This printable form displays the contents and the history of actions for the selected submittal.


The top section lists the associated project's name and number, the submittal subject and ID, the due date, the specification section, a description, and other relevant information.


This sections lists the event history of the submittal.


Click to print this submittal form.


Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to view and create a submittal report, or send it via email.


To access this form

You can access this form in the following ways:

  • Select a submittal, then click View Form from the Tasks panel of the Submittals activity center.

  • From Microsoft Outlook, select an Outlook item that is linked to an submittal (the Subject line is tagged ), then click Actions, View from the Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar.