Newforma Info Exchange Tenth Edition Help  


Construction Change Directives Log                                                                   

This page shows all construction change directives for the current project. External and internal (Project Center) users see the same information unless otherwise noted.

To only see construction change directive actions assigned to you, select the My Construction Change Directive Actions log. To only see construction change directives which you are expecting or are expected from you, select the My Expected Construction Change Directives log.

Construction Change Directives categories

Use the Construction Change Directives drop-down list to filter the list of construction change directives by category. The categories are as follows:


Click to display all construction change directives that have been logged for this project.

Pending Incoming

Click to display construction change directives that were sent via Info Exchange and need to be downloaded in Project Center.

Under Review

Click to display construction change directives that have been received, but responses have not been sent to the construction change directive senders.

When a non-expected construction change directive is first filed, it is placed in the Under Review category.

Awaiting Action

Click to display construction change directives that have been received, but they:

  • Have not been forwarded for review, or

  • Have been forwarded for review, but a response has not been received, or

  • have been forwarded for review and all responses have been received, but there has been no response sent to the construction change directive sender.

Forwarded for Review

Click to display construction change directives that have been forwarded with a due date for another contact to review that have not been received back yet.

Response Overdue

Click to display construction change directives that have been forwarded but the responses back from the reviewers are overdue.


Click to display all construction change directives logged as expected.

Expected Resubmission

Click to display expected construction change directives that were created for construction change directives that require the sender to resubmit the construction change directive (the action taken on the construction change directive was Rejected or Revise and Resubmit).


Click to display expected construction change directives that are overdue.

All Closed

Click to display construction change directives that have had a response sent to the construction change directive sender and there is no further action required.




The icon displays to the left of construction change directives that are overdue. The    icon displays to the left of construction change directives that are due in 8 days or less.


The ID number of the construction change directive.

Sender ID

The number the contractor gave to the construction change directive.


The subject of the construction change directive. Click to open the Construction Change Directive page.


The status of the construction change directive.

Total Days

The number of days between either today or the Response Date and the date on which the construction change directive was received.


The date the construction change directive was received. The field also displays the next action required and who sent the construction change directive.


The date the construction change directive was forwarded. The field also displays the purpose for which the construction change directive was forwarded.


The date of the construction change directive response. The field also displays the action taken for the construction change directive and the name of the user who sent the response.


The date the construction change directive was closed. The field also displays the action taken for the construction change directive and the name of the user who closed it.

Supporting Documents

Displays the number of supporting documents associated with the construction change directive that are available to you. Internal users can access all supporting documents. External users can only access supporting documents that have been shared with external users. Supporting document access is set in the Newforma Project Center Supporting Documents dialog box.

There are two possible icons that may appear in the field:

192-download-attached-files.png Download Attached Files

Click to download files attached to many project items directly from the log page.

 188-expired.pngRequest Expired Files

Click the image to send a request to the owner to repost the files. when the files have been removed from Info Exchange. This occurs when the transfer item has expired.

Related Items

Displays icons for any project items related to the construction change directive. Click in the column to access the Related Items popup window, shown below. Click the hyperlink for a related item to view its details.


The Tasks drop-down list displays available tasks that can be performed for the construction change directive. The contents of the Tasks list varies depending on your permissions for the specific construction change directive. Select a task from the list as needed.


Log Page Tools

The following tools are available in the Construction Change Directives log toolbar. For more information, refer to Log Page Tools.


Click to export the items in this log.

Show/Hide Column Filters

Click    to toggle on/off the column filters.

Show/Hide Group By Panel

Click  to toggle on/off the group by panel.

Show/Hide Columns

Click    to access the Field Chooser to add or remove columns from the log grid.


To access this page

From the toolbar, click View > Contract Management> Construction Change Directives.


If construction change directives are not available to you, see Make a Project Center Project and Its Activity Centers Available on Info Exchange.