Open Project Items dialog box
Use this dialog box to display the open project items for the selected project or projects (depending on which projects were selected). It displays the following open items:
Action items – on time; coming due; overdue.
Contract management items – on time; coming due; overdue.
Markup sessions – open.
Info Exchange file transfers – pending file transfers; pending RFIs; pending submittals; transfers not downloaded.
Project Timeline items – meetings, milestones, and holidays.
Punch list items – on time; coming due; overdue.
Transmittals – drafts.
1 Status colors – On time: black; pending: blue; Overdue: red.
You can resize the chart by clicking and dragging the lower right corner of the chart.
Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to create an open project item report and select the output type.
To access this dialog box
Click View in Window from the Open Items tab of the My Project Center activity center.