Batch Create Multiple Projects
Use this procedure as a guideline for batch importing projects into Project Center. Two templates are required to batch create projects - a project template and a master template.
1 You must be a Project Center administrator to perform this procedure.
1. Create a project template
1 The syntax for the project template is located in C:\Program Files\Newforma\Tenth Edition\Project Center\Templates\Project Template.xlsx.
● Create a project in Project Center using the Create Project dialog box using your company's standards.
● After the project is created, export it to a template.
● Embed SQL queries into the template using special <sql connection> and <sql table> template tags. For more information on SQL queries, see Embed SQL Queries in Project Center Templates. SQL queries are not mandatory.
● The project template contains:
● Generic project settings tailored to an organization.
● SQL queries to retrieve data from a data source. SQL queries are not mandatory.
2. Embed SQL queries in the project template (optional)
● Add <sql connection> and <sql table> tags to your project template. An example of what the <sql connection> and <sql table> tags should look like can be found in the SQL Grammar tab in C:\Program Files\Newforma\Tenth Edition\Project Center\Templates\SQL Template.xlsx.
● Create a connection string in the <sql connections table> with the correct database host and username and password to connect to the database.
● Create SQL queries in the <sql table>. Any parameters that are needed can be added in the columns starting at the <p0> tag. Identify that a parameter is required by adding a ? to your SQL query where the parameter should be substituted. You can add references to other cells as values for the parameters.
3. Create a master template
The master template is used for batch project creation in four different modes:
1 The syntax for the master template is in C:\Program Files\Newforma\Tenth Edition\Project Center\Templates\Batch Project Creation Template.xlsx.
● <template table>
● This is a list of static project templates from which to create projects. The referenced project templates typically do not have embedded SQL within them and are constructed manually.
● <defaults> + <template table>
● This is a list of static project templates from which to create projects. The templates themselves can share common settings in a static defaults template. The referenced project templates typically do not have embedded SQL. However, they are simpler than those found in the <template table> option above in that most settings have been moved to a common defaults template.
● <defaults> + <overrides table>
● This is a list of property values to override in the defaults template. Each row results in a project template to create projects from. This mode is intended for embedded SQL queries in the defaults template. However, SQL queries are not mandatory in this mode.
● The overrides table is used for overriding specific properties within the defaults template during batch project creation. The overrides table can only override single-value template properties. Table (multi-value) template properties cannot be overridden using the overrides table. For example, it is possible to override the <project number>, <project name>, <primary project folder>, and other similar properties using the overrides table. It is not possible to override the <xref path table> or other multi-valued properties using the overrides table.
● <defaults> + n4 project create -k [project number]
● Similar to the <overrides table> above but only overrides the <project number> property from the command line. This mode is intended for embedded SQL queries in the defaults template.
● The master template contains:
● A reference to a default project template (above).
● A list of project numbers to import. The project numbers go into an overrides table, and other project specific information can also be added if needed.
4. Test batch project creation
1 You must test on a machine with Microsoft Excel installed.
Log into the Project Center Server. Open the Newforma Command Utility Project Center shortcut from Start > All Programs > Newforma. This launches a command line to the correct location for running N4.
Test templates one project at time using the following command:
n4 project create –t [master template.xls] -d -i -u -k [project number]
● The -t [master template.xls] flag is the location of the master template.
● The -d flag runs n4 in debug mode where a dialog box displays the results of the SQL queries.
● The -i flag executes n4 in interactive mode and displays various warning messages as popup dialogs.
● The -u flag can optionally update a project if it already exists.
● The -n [project number] flag is used to specify the WBS1 value for a project.
5. Batch create projects
1 You must run batch creation on a machine with Microsoft Excel installed.
You can specify multiple project numbers with an overrides table in the master template:
● Specify a <project number> column in the overrides table.
● Specify the project numbers for all of the projects to be created.
Log into the Project Center Server. Open the Newforma Command Utility Project Center shortcut from Start > All Programs > Newforma. This launches a command line to the correct location for running N4.
Batch create projects with the following command:
n4 project create –t [master template.xls] –i
● The -t [master template.xls] flag is the location of the master template with an overrides table specifying projects to create by project number.
● The -i flag executes n4 in interactive mode and displays various warning messages as popup dialogs.