Project Center Tenth Edition Help  


Set Up Newforma Project Cloud

Use the following guidelines to set up projects so that internal and external Project Center users can connect to Newforma Project Cloud.

You must be a Project Center administrator to perform this procedure.

Project Center and Newforma Project Cloud (NPCL) are connected using Newforma to Newforma (N2N). Before connecting via Newforma to Newforma, however, perform the following additional steps:


In Project Center, add Newforma Project Cloud users to Project Center, then add them to the project team.

        For information on adding new users to Project Center, please refer to Add Contacts to the Project Center Contacts Database.

        For information on adding contacts to a project team, please refer to Add a Project Team Member. Be sure to select the Allow Web Access to This Project on your Info Exchange Server option for the users in the Add Project Team Members dialog box.



In Newforma Project Cloud, add all Project Center team members to the Newforma Project Cloud project. For more information, please refer to the Newforma Project Cloud help.


In Project Center, export the Global UAC Submittal Action list and the Global Discipline list to Excel and send them to the Newforma Project Cloud administrator.

        For more information on exporting the lists, please refer to the Project Center Administration Activity Center Keywords tab.


In Newforma Project Cloud, update your configuration as needed. For more information, please refer to the Newforma Project Cloud help.


In Project Center, go to the Project Center Administration Activity Center Projects tab and select the project you want to connect to Newforma Project Cloud. Select Edit Settings from the Tasks panel, then select the Info Exchange tab. Select the Include Transmittal in Contents (Instead of Email Attachment) checkbox in the Transfer Options section of the dialog box. Click OK to save the changes.


After you complete the steps above, you will need to connect the two companies and projects using Newforma to Newforma.  For more information, please refer to Connect Companies and Projects Using Newforma to Newforma.



        Newforma Project Cloud only supports forwarding and responding to submittals and RFIs. Also, only the architect and contractor roles are supported for connected Project Center team members.

        Newforma to Newforma is not designed to synchronize information between connected companies. N2N is designed to facilitate the transfer of submittals and RFIs between companies. N2N is only used when an item is forwarded or responded to.

        Cost Impact is not transferred from NPCL to Project Center.

        Substitution information is not transferred from NPCL to Project Center.

        If cover sheets are merged with uploaded PDFs, they will not be updated when the response is returned from the architect.

        Expected submittals in Project Center and the submittal register in NPCL are not synchronized or connected.

        When marking up files that will be returned in Project Center, it is recommended that the original file name be retained. This will facilitate NPCL’s file handling.

        NPCL does not support resending submittals and RFIs that have been reopened in Project Center. If a submittal or RFI needs to be reopened, it is recommended to create a resubmittal or new RFI.

        The project teams are not synchronized between NPCL and Project Center. Team members exchanging items will need to be added to both the Project Center and NPCL project teams.