Project Transmittals Activity Center
Use this activity center to send, receive, log, and review project transmittals and their associated contents. Like the paper-based transmittals that traditionally accompany conventional AECO drawing submissions, transmittals in Project Center provide descriptive information about the documents being sent such as title, sender, purpose, and associated files. You can view and print each transmittal's information from Project Center using its Transmittal form.
The term transmittal, as used in Project Center, also refers to the actual electronic documents being conveyed with the transmittal. When incoming or outgoing transmittals are created in Project Center, a permanent descriptive record of the transmittals is maintained in each project, along with a snapshot of the transmittal’s contents. From this activity center, you can create new transmittals as well as browse, send, and compare project transmittals.
Transmittals● Create an Outgoing Transmittal Click to open the Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to file an outgoing transmittal. ● Log an Incoming Transmittal Click to open the Log an Incoming Transmittal dialog box to file an incoming transmittal. ● Create a Report Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to select the type of transmittal report to create. Selected TransmittalThe following list includes all tasks for all transmittal types, in alphabetical order. The tasks that appear depend on the type of transmittal you select. Different transmittal types have different tasks. ● Compare Contents to > A Folder Click to open the Select Folder dialog box to select a project folder to compare to the selected transmittal's contents. After you select the folder, the Compare Results window opens with the results. ● Compare Contents to > A Document Set Click to open the Select Document Set dialog box to select a document set to compare to the selected transmittal's contents. After you select the document set, the Compare Results window opens with the results. ● Compare Contents to > A Record Copy Click to open the Select Record Copy dialog box to select a record copy to compare to the selected transmittal's contents. After you select the record copy, the Compare Results window opens with the results. ● Create a Similar Transmittal Select a sent transmittal, then click this task to open the same type of transmittal. All information from the transmittal you selected will be copied into the new transmittal (any files in the original transmittal will not be copied to the new transmittal); only the ID number will change. Edit the new transmittal as necessary. ● Create a Transmittal Form Report 1 This task appears when you have selected two or more transmittals. Click to open the Create a Report dialog box to combine the forms for the selected transmittals into one report. ● Delete 1 You must be a Project Center administrator to delete transmittals. Click to delete the transmittal from Project Center. ● Forward Contents > Via Info Exchange Click to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to forward the transmittal to Info Exchange, or the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to forward the transmittal to Info Exchange and file a new transmittal. ● Forward Contents > Via Email Click to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to forward the transmittal in an email message, or the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to forward the transmittal to new email recipients and create a new transmittal. ● Info Exchange Transfer > View Transfer History Click to open the File Transfer form to view the transfer history and contents of the selected transmittal. ● Info Exchange Transfer > Add or Remove Recipients Click to open the Modify File Transfer Recipients dialog box to give project team members access to transmittals that have been transferred via Info Exchange (or to remove access), and to send them an email notification message regarding the transfer. ● Info Exchange Transfer > Resend Notification Only Click to open the Resend File Transfer Notification dialog box to select the recipients to resend an email message containing download instructions to. ● Info Exchange Transfer > Change Access Level Click to open the Modify File Transfer Access on Info Exchange dialog box to edit who can access the selected transmittal from Info Exchange. ● Info Exchange Transfer > Expiration and Reminder Settings Click to open the Edit Expiration and Reminder Settings dialog box to edit the reminder settings for the selected Info Exchange transfer. ● Info Exchange Transfer > Remove Content from Info Exchange Server (Expire) Click to remove the transmittal from the Info Exchange server. The information about the transmittal still appears in this log and in Info Exchange, but space is saved by removing the actual transmittal file contents. External project team members see the transfer information in their log, but cannot download it. ● Info Exchange Transfer > Repost Content to Info Exchange Server Click to open the Repost Info Exchange Transfer/Folder - Reset Expiration and Reminder Settings dialog box to edit the reminder settings for the expired file/folder transfer and repost it to Info Exchange. ● Log a Similar Transmittal Select a received transmittal, then click this task to open the same type of transmittal. All information and files from the original transmittal will be copied to the new transmittal; only the ID number will change. Edit the new transmittal as necessary. ● Modify Click to open the Modify Outgoing Transmittal Record dialog box or the Modify Incoming Transmittal Record dialog box to edit the transmittal's contents. ● Open Draft Click to open the transmittal in the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to edit and send it via email or the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to edit and transfer it via Info Exchange. ● Related Items > See the Related Items Tasks topic for information. ● Repair Broken Link to Record Copy Click to open the Change Path of Project File dialog box to correct the path of a file with a broken link. ● Resend Contents > Via Info Exchange Click to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to resend the contents of the transmittal to Info Exchange, or the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to resend the contents of the transmittal to Info Exchange and create a new transmittal. ● Resend Contents > Via Email Click to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to resend the transmittal in an email message, or the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to resend the transmittal to the email recipients and create a new transmittal. ● Send Related Email > To the Sender Click to open an email message to send to the contact who originally sent the transmittal. The email message includes information about the transmittal. ● Send Related Email > To the Recipients Click to open an email message to send to the original transmittal recipients as a reminder or with additional information. The email message includes information about the transmittal. ● Send Related Email > To All Participants Click to open an email message to send to all transmittal participants, including the sender and recipients, as a reminder or with additional information. The email message includes information about the transmittal. ● View Form Click to open the Transmittal form to view and print the selected transmittal's details and history. The file tasks apply to files in the Associated Files tab. See File Tasks panel. See Email Tasks panel. |
Project TransmittalsCategory drop-down listThe category drop-down list contains filters to display all transmittals, sent transmittals, received transmittals, pending incoming transmittals, or drafts. For example, if you want to view sent transmittals, select All Sent or Recent Sent from the list. Only sent transmittals will appear in the log. Each category is explained below. Click to toggle between showing transmittals for all users or only transmittals on which you are listed as the sender or recipient (or your drafts). Filter All ColumnsYou can filter by any text that appears in any of the columns below. For example, if you know the subject (or part of the subject) of the transmittal that you are searching for (or the ID, size, date, etc.), enter at least part of the text in this field. The transmittals list updates automatically as you type. For example, if the transmittal you are searching for has the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns, enter 30 in this field. The list will be narrowed down to only transmittals that have the number 30 somewhere in one of the columns. Click the following links to scroll directly to the corresponding section: All Received/Recent Received log
All logThis log displays all transmittals that have been sent and received from Project Center, as well as drafts. All transmittals sent or received by anyone on the project team are displayed, and all internal team members can access the transmittals.
All Sent/Recent Sent log1 Recent Sent displays the most recent number of transmittals based on the value entered in the Set Preferences dialog box. This log displays all transmittals that have been sent from Project Center. All transmittals sent by anyone on the internal project team are displayed, and all internal team members can access the transmittals. Click this option to display transmittals that were sent in any of the following ways:
All columns are listed here. Right-click on any column header to list and de-list columns. Click the icons for more filtering options. IDThe transmittal's ID number. SubjectThe subject of the transmittal. FromThe name of the contact who sent the transmittal. ToThe contacts who were sent the transmittal. CCAny other contacts included in the transmittal. SentThe date the transmittal was sent. SizeThe file size of the transmittal. ViaThe transfer method used to send the transmittal. PurposeThe purpose of the transmittal. Related ItemsIf the transmittal has any related items, the icons appear here. Related Project ItemsThis column is a text version of the icons in the Related Items column. The text will appear in reports. TypeThe transmittal's type, such as Outgoing Transmittal or RFI Response. KeywordsAny keywords applied to the transmittal. This column will also include keywords for RFIs or submittals related to the transmittal, if applicable. Due Back DateThe date a response is due.
All Received/Recent Received log1 Recent Received displays the most recent number of transmittals based on the value entered in the Set Preferences dialog box. Received transmittals are transmittals received as a hard copy, via email, or via Info Exchange from an internal or external project team member or other contact and filed in Project Center. Click this option to display transmittals that were received and filed in any of the following ways:
1 All internal team members have full access to all received transmittals and their contents. All columns are listed here. Right-click on any column header to add and remove columns. Click the icons for more filtering options. IDThe number the sender gave to the transmittal. SubjectThe subject of the transmittal. FromThe contact who sent the transmittal. CompanyThe sending contact's company. ToThe contacts who were sent this transmittal. CCAny other contacts included in this transmittal. ReceivedThe date the transmittal was received. ViaHow the transmittal was received. SizeThe file size of the transmittal. PurposeThe purpose of the transmittal. Related ItemsIf the transmittal has any related items, the icons appear here. Related Project ItemsThis column is a text version of the icons in the Related Items column. The text will appear in reports. TypeThe transmittal's type, such as Incoming Transmittal or RFI Received. KeywordsAny keywords applied to the transmittal.
All Drafts logA draft transmittal is a transmittal that has been created, but has not been sent to other contacts via email or transferred to other team members via Info Exchange. This means that internal project team members can access the transmittals listed here, but the transmittals cannot be seen by external team members or via the web. All transmittals started by anyone on the internal project team are displayed. To send a transmittal, an internal team member must click Open Draft from the Tasks panel to open the transmittal, then send it via email or transfer it via Info Exchange. All columns are listed here. Right-click on any column header to add and remove columns. Click the icons for more filtering options. IDThe transmittal's ID number. SubjectThe subject of the transmittal. Created ByThe name of the team member who created the transmittal. ToAll contacts this transmittal will be sent to. CCAny other contacts included in this transmittal. CreatedThe date the transmittal was created. SizeThe file size of the transmittal. ViaHow the transmittal is being transferred. PurposeThe purpose of the transmittal. Related ItemsIf the transmittal has any related items, the icons appear here. Related Project ItemsThis column is a text version of the icons in the Related Items column. The text will appear in reports. TypeThe transmittal's type. KeywordsAny keywords applied to the transmittal.
All Pending Incoming logPending incoming transmittals are transmittals that are incoming via Info Exchange from an internal or external project team member or other contact but have not yet been received. The columns are the same as those under All Received above. Remarks tabAny messages included in the transmittal appear here.
Description of Contents tabThis tab lists the in the contents of the transmittal. QtyThe quantity of each item in the transmittal. TitleThe title of each item. NumberThe ID number for each item. RevisionThe revision number, if applicable. DateThe dates individual items were received with the transmittal. For example, if you have six shop drawings, it may help to track dates on each individual sheet. ScaleThe drawing scale, if applicable. SizeThe drawing size, if applicable. ActionThe action taken/required. RemarksAny additional comments.
Associated Files tabThis tab lists all of the files included in the selected transmittal. NameThe name of the file. Related ItemsAny Project center items related to the file. TypeThe file's type. SizeThe file's size. Date ModifiedThe date the file was last modified. ZIP FolderThe full path to the location of the .ZIP file. Extract AllClick to open the Select a Destination Folder dialog box to select a project and folder in which to save the transmittal's contents. Select in ExplorerClick to open Windows Explorer to the location where the transmittal is physically stored on your local computer or network.
Email Log tabThis tab lists all email messages associated with the selected transmittal. When you click File as or File in Project (and then choose the Transmittal option) from the Project Center Add-in for Microsoft Outlook Toolbar, the email message appears here. 1 You can copy and paste and drag and drop email messages from Microsoft Outlook and Windows Explorer into this tab. Double-click an email message to open it in Microsoft Outlook. From there, you can reply to or forward the message. 1 The number in parentheses indicates the number of email messages filed to the transmittal.
Related Items tabThis tab lists all related Project Center items for the selected transmittal. Create Related > Action ItemClick to open the Identify an Action Item dialog box to create a new action item and link it to the current transmittal. Create Related > Transfer > Via EmailClick to open the Send Files to Email Recipients dialog box to send project files via email. Nothing is logged in this tab. Create Related > Transfer > Via Info ExchangeClick to open the Transfer Files to a Newforma Info Exchange Server dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server and link the transfer to the current transmittal. Create Related > Transmittal > Via EmailClick to open the Send Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to send project files via email, file an outgoing transmittal for a file transfer, and link the transfer to the current transmittal. Create Related > Transmittal > Via Info ExchangeClick to open the Transfer Files and Create an Outgoing Transmittal dialog box to transfer project files via your Newforma Info Exchange Server, create a new outgoing transmittal for the file transfer, and link the transfer to the current transmittal. Create Related > Contract Management > Contract Management ItemClick to open the Create Contract Management Item dialog box for the type of contract management item you selected to create a new item and link it to the current transmittal. Relate to >Click to select an existing project item and establish a relationship between it and the currently selected transmittal. This gives you the ability to link two items that are related together. (For example, a markup session that is related to a transmittal.) Select Another Project Item to open the Select Project Item dialog box to locate an item that is not in the list. When you create a relationship between two items, each item's icon is added to the other item's Related Items column and tab. RemoveClick to unlink and remove the selected project item from the Related Items tab. 1 Removing a related item from the Related Items tab does not remove it from the database. The Relation Type column has two icons to indicate the relationship type: ● The icon indicates that the relationship was created by a user and can be deleted (such as an action item related to a transmittal). ● The icon indicates that the relationship was created by Project Center and cannot be deleted (such as a transmittal or record copy related to a transmittal).
Change Log tabThis tab contains the history of edits for the selected transmittal. |
To access this activity center
Click Transmittals from the Activities list or from the Project Home activity center.